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Special Educational Needs & Disability

If you feel or know that your child has a disability or any special needs that will affect them when they arrive at school, please can you speak to the Headteacher about your child as soon as possible.

Once your child is at school regular reviews are made of every child’s progress and those with special educational needs not already identified are identified. This decision is always discussed with parents.

The Special Educational Needs Policy specifies those practices and procedures, which exist in the school to support children who may have special educational needs. The school and curriculum are fully accessible to children with a range of Special Needs.

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs H Payne and the SEN Governor, Martyne Ellison are responsible for the Special Educational Needs Register and for making sure that arrangements and administration are properly undertaken. Children who are “looked after” are also well cared for at school.

The school receives support from the cluster through termly SENCo and Headteacher meetings. The school is also supported by the Locksley Short Stay School for Norfolk and Hall Complex Needs School.

Norfolk SEND Partnership

The Norfolk SEND Partnership offers support and advice to parents, carers and young people with special educational needs & disabilities. If you have any queries, they can be contacted on 01603 704070 or email

The Norfolk SEND Partnership produce a monthly newsletter for parents which can be downloaded on their website

Further Information

You may find the following policies and information useful to refer to:

Spixworth Infant School